Monday, June 16, 2008

Give me 12 Steps

“You mean your ALCOHOLISM? The very alcoholism that you would still be battling if not for me. Hell, you might even be dead by now Addy if not for me. At the rate you were going, that’s exactly where you were headed. You’re lucky I made you stop.”

“Save the bullshit. You didn’t MAKE me stop. I’ll give credit where credit’s due. You’re right – you saved me from self-destructing but you didn’t do it alone. I had a VERY big hand in that. I’m the one who sat through daily AA meetings and suffered through serious withdrawals.”

“And who was right there by your side all along the way? That’s right it was me.”

“You’re right. You were right by my side. But guess who also sent me back to the bottle?”

“That’s not fair...”

“Shit. This isn’t getting us anywhere, Addy.”

“That’s right. You don’t want to take blame for anything. But that’s okay. If it’s one thing AA taught me is that I have to take responsibility for my own actions and although you had something to do with pushing me to the edge, I’m the one who jumped. But at least it was just temporary. I’m going to get right back in AA and back on the road to recovery.”

“Well, I’m glad to hear that. So how about we go grab dinner before my stomach eats itself?”

“I’m not going to dinner with you.”

“But you’re looking so hot…”

“Hello beautiful,” a voice boomed from the still open door. I looked past Brad to see a towering Ben and Brad swung around to see who else was joining us.

“Oh of course not. You want to take credit for ‘curing’ me but you don’t want to take credit for screwing me up even more. Do you really think that a girl who has battled serious self-worth issues her entire life and suffered at the hands of an alcoholic, abusive father is going to handle being left at the altar and just skip along like everything’s okay? Come on, Brad. I thought you knew me better than that.”

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