Saturday, April 21, 2007


Dreams are good to have. They keep you grounded; they give you something to work towards; they make every day worth living. I used to dream of being an actress, a singer, a beautiful celebrity - unfortunately none of those dreams were realistic for me. But those dreams weren't real. They were more fantasies.

I am well on my way to feeling very accomplished. I have a college degree, a good job and an amazing fiance who will soon be my husband. It would be very easy to feel content. While I think content is a good feeling, I don't think it's good to ever feel completely content. Once you get content, you get lazy and there's nothing left to aspire to.

It's easy to feel knocked down and to feel like my dream is too hard to achieve but I know they are not. They are well in my grasp. They are not easy to achieve but that doesn't not make them unachievable. It will just take hard work and a lot of determination. It will be the hardest thing I have ever done but at the same time it will be the most rewarding.

Just imagine: Veeba, NY Times Best Selling Author!

1 comment:

Just Me said...

Good luck with all your dreams. I agree being content is okay but doesn't mean we should do more.