Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Shake It Off

Today is one of those days where I am in one of those crazy little funks that you just can't shake yourself out of. I layed in bed for an hour this morning before I could finally drag myself out of bed. And now that I'm out I don't really feel much better. My whole body hurts and I'm tired for no reason whatsoever.

I really need to do something crazy and out of the ordinary so that I can shake it off. Lately that song by I'm not sure who, Shake It Off, has been really been preaching to me. It really sings to what I'm feeling. I had a crazy idea to drive somewhere just for no reason at all just to get away and do something different. I'm bored with the same old thing.

But unfortunately I'm too good of a student and not about to skip class. So I did drag myself out of bed for another day, put on my clothes, did my homework, and now I am off for another day of spacing out, taking notes mindlessly and counting down the hours till I can come home.

6 hours and counting.....


Anonymous said...

Veeba, Mariah Carey sings it :)

Blake said...

After I was a sophomore in college I skipped class all the time. At first I felt guilty about not going, 'cause after all I was there to get an education.

I would have stayed in bed for sure, but probably because I'm a slothful turd when I can find any excuse at all to sleep in, sick or otherwise.


Revee said...

Yea i hear ya blake. It gets harder every day to go to class. Partly because I know all I have to do is coast to graduate. Why try?

Just Me said...

In college I had a 7:00 required class, I told the teacher it didn't work into my sleep time. He told me just to get notes from others in the class and come when there was a test, it worked much better for me.
Another class a bunch of us took turns going to class I had odd days someone else had even, that also worked for us slackers.
- it's really amazing I even graduated!