Tuesday, October 18, 2005

High School All Over Again

Isn't it hilarious how when you first start dating someone or like someone, you start to fix yourself up and actually get ready for class. I was thinking about this yesterday as I washed, blow dryed and curled my hair for class. Usually it goes in a ponytail and I wear a sweatshirts and sweatpants. Once again today I am decked out with my hair down and straightened.

It's funny that we feel the need to impress the guy and that us in our normal state isn't good enough. We wait for a month or two into the relationship before we yank out the sweats and tees. Shoot after I've been dating a guy for awhile I get dressed down for them!! When I'm going to see them, I change from my skirt or pants into sweats and a tee. It's ironic.

Finally got a halloween costume. My friend and I bought little boy costumes. They're hilarious. We wanted to be teenage mutant ninja turtles but the costumes weren't big enough. They gave us a permanent wedgie. So instead we're batman and spiderman. Watch out for us!! :)


Blake said...

Girls do have it rough. Guys never change what we wear: khaki shorts and a knit tee in the summer, and jeans and a similar shirt in the winter with a fleece. We put a little goop in our hair and slip on some flip-flops. And girls get dressed up for a lazy looking guy they think is cute.

I can't imagine going through a beautifcation ritual when I knew the object of my desire probably rolled out of bed and put on a baseball hat and that was it.

Luckily, my girlfriend is still in the skirt wearing stage.


Revee said...

you are lucky then but dont worry that phase wears off soon!! :)

Revee said...

oh i love it. i actually tried on the turtle costumes. they were hilarious but gave me a monster wedgie. i cant believe hes wearing it. im so jealous!!