Monday, August 08, 2005

I Have to Do WHAT??

Work sucks. Okay I said it. You already knew it. It's true. Work sucks and I don't even have a "real job" yet. I have one year left of college and am dreading ever finishing because I cannot ever see myself working 40 hours a week the rest of my life. The very thought makes me cringe.

This summer I had a full-time internship working 40 hours a week 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday through Friday. I thought it would be fun. It isn't. You go to work and work all day and by the time you get home you're too tired to do anything else and go to bed and then have to wake up and go to work all over again for another miserable day. Where does the fun end?

If this is the real world, I don't want it. I watch The Real World religiously. Why can't the "real world" be more like it? They don't work hard. They party, get drunk, and then occasionally - only when they feel like it - attend work. Perfect. No, I don't feel like going to work today. Tomorrow's not looking so good either.

In some countries people only work 4 days a week leaving them with 3 day vacations. I think I could handle this. 3 day weeks with 4 day weekends would be much better but anything's better than 5/2.

I've always dreamed of marrying a rich guy who would support me so that I would never have to worry. This isn't going to happen. I know this. I'm no idiot. I'm doomed to a life of work and headaches and annoyances and probably some day laundry and cooking and cleaning and paying bills. UGH. I'm starting to think that the real world is real shitty.

So tell me those of you that are already in the "real world," what do I have to look forward to? Because right now I'm thinking not much...


Steph said...

marrying the "rich guy" always sounds nice. I guess we can be greatful that we aren't working in sweat shops. Unless you really are? haha

p.s. thanks for the comment today.

Fortune said...

You have lots to look forward to -

Wake up .. work pay bills..Weekend sleep...

Do it all again the following week..

I've been in the "real world" for long enough that I'm numb...

But I love the fact summer comes I can have 4 day weekends if I want and to hell with work for 3 weeks - buy what I want and if I wanna change careers to change "real life" I can...

So, Veeb... there's always hope.

Then again, if a rich man is found, send him my way.

I need to spend someone else's money for a change.

Anisa said...

yeah, it definitely sucks sometimes when you're really tired and you know that you have to get up again and do it all over...

but there is that satisfaction that you're standing on your own two feet, making your own money and making a contribution to society. and for me, that makes me feel least for a little while...

Revee said...

I like your thoughts anisa. That makes me feel a lot more optimistic. Thanks!