Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Can You Train a Bad Kisser??

Bad kissers...we've all experienced it. Sometimes it's the two of you together, sometimes maybe it's just you, other it's just clearly them. In this case it was them. My friends and I have been discussing the dilemma of kissing a bad kisser. What do you do?

It's awkward. You kiss for the first time and it's bad. You keep trying but no luck - it's still bad. So what do you do? Get up and walk away? Stick it out as bad as it sucks and just play along? What do you do when the guy you are kissing just can't kiss - or at least can't kiss you?

One friend said that you can train a bad kisser. But can you? And if you can wouldn't you first have to tell them they are a bad kisser? Excuse me but we need to talk. You see we have a problem. Well actually it's not that WE have a problem it's you. It's your kissing. Well, it sucks. You suck. It's horrible actually and we need to work on it. Now we all know that it would take a lot of balls to tell someone that and be completely humiliating for the person you're telling. The conversation would be filled with a lifetime of worry and embarassment with the person thinking "oh my god do they think i suck too?"

So what do you do then when the person is a bad kisser? Do you cut your losses and make a run for it? Do you stick it out trying desperately that they will come around and be a good kisser. Do you train them to kiss like you want to be kissed? If it's possible it might be kind of nice. "well, i really like it when you do this twirly thing so why don't you try that. give me 10 reps." Could be kind of fun.

Come on people my friends and I need your advice. Bad kisser: Trainable or a lost cause??


Just Me said...

I dated a guy that was a bad kisser. It's like he had a turbo tounge, I never came right out and said he was a bad kisser but I tried to kiss him differently and tell him I wanted sweet light kisses, but it never stopped. So we eventually went our seperate ways. I wanted a good kisser from the start, not one I had to work on.

Revee said...

That's kind of my sentiment. Why bother training them when you can start out with a good one??

Just Me said...

LOST CAUSE...no doubt about it...i'm sorry...but if they're a bad kisser...i'm not going to stick around to see what else is bad...sorry guys

Michel Johansen said...

well, Mother says that it's the same as when you try and teach your neighbor to stop hiding in your bushes without his pants.

It just doesn't work, she says, even if you start wearing a shirt.

Alecia said...

Depends on how deep your feelings are for the dude. But I don't think training is possible without coming straight out and saying, "Dude.. you suck, and so not in a good way."