Friday, July 08, 2005


I was afraid that the work prankster wouldn't be able to get through a whole day without playing a single joke on me. I was write. He sent me a "test" email at which time my speakers go crazy going HELLO HELLO HELLO HELLO HELLO. Hey, at least it wasn't announcing I was looking at porn. Until prankster's next joke....


Revee said...

Thanks for the tips. I'll have to try them. But wouldn't it be mean to give out his work email?

BadGod said...

I swore I left a comment here the other day, oh well. (right now someone is reading a comment and saying, what the fuck?)

Who cares if it says that you are loking at pornor whatever, everyone knows who is pulling the prank. Leave a note at his desk saying "Don't Look Up, Fucker" when he does look up, punch him in the face.

I hope this helps. I just noticed I did comment, but 1 post down, I am sorry.