Friday, July 08, 2005

If carrots got you drunk, rabbits would be fucked up!

I'm starting to think I am wasting my time blogging because I don't think anyone actually reads what I have to say because no one ever leaves a comment. I tried to get a hit counter on here to see how many people visit my site but I guess I'm too stupid to figure it out because as you can tell, NO hit counter! So if you are actually reading this please leave me a comment so I don't feel completely worthless.

Last night I spent most of my night in a drunken blur. I hit the bar immediately after work and it gets a little fuzzy from there. One thing I do remember though is textmessaging half the people in my phone book with pure randomness. My drunken stupidity thought it would be fun to text message people the title "if carrots got you drunk, rabbits would be fucked up!" Hey that would be pretty funny if you were drunk like me but for those people who were at home, probably in bed, so sorry. It's from the late great Mitch Hedberg is you were wondering. So anyways I have a killer hangover today thanks to my binge drinking. I think I have finally figured out why adults don't go to the bar that often. It sucks to have a hangover at work!

I have a lame weekend ahead of me. All my friends are going to be gone and I have nothing to do. I tried to talk my mom into coming to visit me but even SHE blew me off. My own mom. She had to go to a "birthday party". Sure ya did, mom.

I had a hilarious joke played on my yesterday. I am writing a novel (excerpt to come in the next entry) and my coworker accidentally forwarded it to another person who I didn't know had read it and he called and disguised his voice and let me a message that scared the crap out of me. The book is a murder mystery and he called and acted out a scene from the novel that is frickin scary! I about crapped my pants. It was a good joke though but now I have to think of a way to get him back so if you have any ideas I'm all ears!

And finally...please please please leave me a comment and let me know if you're actually reading this!!


JLW said...

I'm a new fan. I saw your post on my blog yesterday so I looked up yours. Check me out at

I even wrote something about you. Thanks for the feedback, and know that people are reading!

Todd Tobin said...

Just returning the favor and checking you out, since you read my stuff at I really appreciate the honesty of what you write; It takes a stong person to be so self-effacing. Keep it up!