Monday, July 25, 2005


Girls like to bitch. Girls like to talk on the phone. Girls like to bitch on the phone. I like to bitch on the phone to my significant other. Sometimes he has enough. Yesterday I yelled at him for not using his time wisely so that he could spend time with me when I got home. After about 5 minutes of this, the phone went dead. He had hung up on me. I was pissed.

I didn't call him back for a few hours because I knew it would only lead to more bitching and another click. Instead I cooled off, called him back later, realized we were both in the wrong, and both of us apologized to each other. Problem solved.

Last night when we were talking I told him that it's a good thing we see each other often because our relationship wouldn't last over the phone. Being the classic boy that he is, he hates talking on the phone. It's part of being a man. Being the girl that I am, I love talking on the phone. We butt heads. I bitch, he hangs up.

I understand that sometimes I bitch a little excessively and it's very tempting when you're listening to it on the phone to hang up. Click, problem solved. But why don't guys understand that this pisses us girl off? If I was the one being bitched at, I would at least have the decency to sit and listen and not just hang up. That's not my style.

Why can't boys just appreciate that their girl misses them and wants to talk. Why do they always have to be a big grouch on the phone and barely carry on a conversation. And more importantly, why can't guys listen instead of hanging up on us? When is it just plain rude to hang up on your significant other or anyone for that matter? It pisses me off...


Revee said...

Dean, oh Dean, you're right I wouldn't sit there and take it. The thing is I never raised my voice at him. I very rarely raise my voice at him.

I was just trying to tell him that he needed to manage his time a little better so that he could spend time with me.

He chose to play NCAA Football for 6 hours instead of getting his homework done. So guess when he had to do it? Yep, that's right - when it was time for us to hang out. That's what I was mad at him about but I never did yell at him.

Johnny Menace said...

i give you 6 more months before you break up. any takers?

Jess said...

i don't think any boy likes to talk on the phone. except for my friend ben...but i thought that he was gay when i met him, so i don't think that counts

BadGod said...

Can he not enjoy time with his friends? you said you guys are with each other alot. Maybe he wants to hang out with his friends.

Oh, he hung up so you would calm down. Then call him later and talk it out. you see? It works to just stop the conversation before it gets worse.

and dean just wants down your pants.

Revee said...

Johnny, you are wrong. Just watch!

Dean, guys that want to play video games rather than do other things confuse me too. What are they thinking?

Badgod, I give him time to hang out with his friends. I hadn't seen him all weekend and he was supposed to be done with his homework so we could hang out.

Revee said...

Lee, i hate you. Do NOT hang up on me. I am going to hang up on you and see how you like it. Come on guys help me out here!! I need to outnumber him on how wrong this is!

Revee said...

Lee you are so wrong. It's a major slap in the face. This conversation is over. CLICK.

Thanks for helping me out Dean!