Thursday, July 21, 2005

Drunk Texting

Wow, the advancement of technology has allowed us so many conveniences. The latest among many: text messaging. Text message is great. You can get your message across without having to actually talk to someone. Brilliant. There’s no fear of rejection, no need to chitchat. You can just get straight to the point. Enter drunk dialing.

Drunk dialing has long been a common practice – at least it has been for me. More so after a long night of drinking. I would have never landed my most recent boyfriend without drunk dialing. For those of you who are unfamiliar with drunk dialing this is how it works: You drink A LOT, then you want to hook up so you call one of you f*ck buddies. Me: Hey you want to have sex? Them: Sure. Me: Okay I’ll be right over. Quick and simple. And virtually painless unless they say no which is humiliating because now you have called this person and just made a fool out of yourself. Enter drunk texting.

Now with drunk texting we have all the conveniences of drunk dialing without any of the humiliation. My text message to him: Let’s have sex. Him: Nah I’m not in the mood. Me: Oops my bad. That message wasn’t intended for you. Sorry about that. Haha. Now he looks like the fool. Like I would actually want to hook up with him. That was intended for one of my other f*ck buddies. Yea, the joys of drunk texting.

My friend just got a loaner phone from her cell phone provider and obviously someone had borrowed it before because she found 2 loan text messages saved in it. The first said I want to have sex WITH U 2night. Okay as if it isn’t bad enough that you’re throwing yourself at the guy. You are having to also SPECIFY that you want to have sex with him. I think that’s clear by the fact that you text messaged him. Do you really need to clarify with who. Hey I want to have sex with your friend Joe tonight. Can you pass the text message along? Moron.

With the joys of drunk texting also comes the humiliation when you look through your phone and see all the retarded messages you send and what a fool you made of yourself. Drunk dialing is kind of scary so it takes a lot of courage to do it and you’re usually not going to keep bothering someone over and over. Drunk texting is a totally different story. I’m not afraid to text message over and over until I get the answer I want. Why not? I’m not actually having to face this guy? It’s like internet instant messaging. I could say anything.

The more I explore drunk texting the worse idea I think it is because at least with drunk dialing there’s no proof of what you said and what an idiot you made out of yourself. With drunk texting, he can show it to all his friends and make fun of me. Hmmm…

So which do you think is worse? Which is easiest? Drunk dialing or drunk texting? Do you do it and why do you do it? When is too much? One message, 2 messages, 10 messages? When does your horniness turn into craziness and you become a stalker?


Revee said...

True I did drunk dial you one night. Heck you might get one tonight. But for me it usually 9 out of 10 times is a booty call.

FantasticAlice said...

But isn't it more fun that way? Drunk dialing as opposed to sober dialing anyways...

Did you hear that the rate of carpel tunnel has increased since the inception of the text messenging? Great, pretty soon no one will be able to turn a door knob because they text messaged 30 times a day for 50 years... like typing on a computer is any better.

Steph said...

I can't drunk text. I do not have the patience for it. And most of the time, I cannot find my phone so it's probably better for everyone that way.

Revee said...

Thanks for the fact fantasticalice. I believe it. my carpel tunnel is out of control with al the drunk texting i've been doing!

Steph, you're missing out if you're not drunk texting. It makes life so much easier. None of the bullshit chit chatting. You can get straight to the point. It's awesome!

Just Me said...

wow...drunk texting...all too familiar with that...i don't usually text phone has this radar on it that knows i'm just calls to me (no pun intended) to text message somebody when i'm drunk...evil bastard.

Blake said...

My brother has gotten into more trouble with girls because of drunk texting. He has also almost gotten into a couple of fights because he will drunk text the ex-boyfriend of a girl he is going out with--but he is a totally different "texter" sober.


Neel said...

I must admit I have never tried drunk texting however, I have drunk dialed many times, but i have never been so drunk that i didnt remember what i said. great post, very entertaining!

Johnny Menace said...

dial.. numbers already in the phone all you have to do is hit talk.

Marie said...

Yeah, I don't have the patience to drunk text. I don't even like text messaging when I'm sober. ;) Drunk dialing is much more fun.