Thursday, July 07, 2005

Crazy little tidbits

Because I am feeling especially random and most of all bored today, I am going to share things you never needed to know about moi. I'll add to it gradually in the future until I finally reach 100. Here's the first 10:
1) I'm a drama queen
2) I only eat white food: potatoes, chicken, ice cream, bread
3) I'm a girl and oh my god - I fart.
4) I fart more often than my boyfriend.
5) Sometimes when I laugh really hard, I pee my pants
6) I lie
7) I'm a total mama's girl. If I don't talk to her at least twice a day, I'm lost.
8) I'm a hypochondriac except I realy have weird things wrong with me.
9) My imagination runs wild.
10) I'm scared of the dark.

If you wanna know more, you gotta tune in tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

What?!? You fart? Gross!

the frou fr0u one said...

am loving this 10 things bout u.
u shld continue the next ten