Friday, July 15, 2005

Stupid People

Okay I’m really bored at work today so I'm going post again but please please please don't stop posting on today's earlier entry: The "TURTLE". The response has been tremendous and I'm loving hearing from both guys and gals about their "turtle" positions and their take on them. Keep it up!

First things first, people who honk at me PISS ME OFF. So what if I'm driving into your lane. Who cares if I'm about to back my car into you? I know that I just cut you off but DO NOT HONK AT ME. Today on my lunch break, my friend Allie and I headed to the local Mexican restaurant and had a quick meal then loaded back up in my car to head back in the office. As I start to pull of, a silver car was slowly creeping behind me. The driver was most likely in her upper 50s. Now I am in a hurry because my lunch break has been over for 15 minutes and I'm already going to sneak into my office so I start slowly creeping back towards her car fully LOOKING and SEEING her with absolutely NO intention of backing into her car. She honks. I yell. "I see you, you f***ing b*tch." Now I didn't mean to be rude and the lady smiled and waved afterwards and was very nice about having honked (probably because I was fully ready to get out of my car and kick her ass) but I couldn't help myself. You honk, I cuss. I get mad. I yell. I sometimes (i'm ashamed to say this) give them the birdie. Yes, I am one of those. I can't help it. It just really pisses me off when people honk at me. If I'm 2 inches from hitting your car, yes then honk. Still 10 feet, leave well enough alone. Enough said.

I do not have kids (you're probably praising the lord right now - this crazy doesn't have any kids!). But I hope, I pray that when I do have kids I will consider their name and make sure it's not something dirty before I name them and that they can't be given any humiliating nicknames from this name. I heard on the radio about two dumbass parents who didn't give their kid this consideration. Are you ready for this? They named their kid...(drum roll please) Drew Peacock. (i'll give you a second here. say it again. it took me 3 times). Now for those of you who STILL don't see anything wrong with this, let me break it down to you. Say it quick and you have DROOPY COCK. Oh lord. This kid has a long road in front of him. The sadder thing...his parents didn't notice until his 1st birthday. Come on. I mean, really?

I want to give a shout out to
missfortune hunter who was kind enough to show me how to link to other people's blogs so you can find some fun ones. For those of you who are as bored at work every day as I am, this novelty is a godsend. Thanks missfortunehunter!

Okay, so I can't promise this will be my last entry for the day because unless I grow some balls and ask if I can get off early I'm here till four with nothing to do. If a lightning bolt hits me with some kind of brilliance I will post more later. If not, have a great weekend and please please please don't quit posting on the turtle because I love it!


Revee said...

I have no balls...This is a problem...I paced by the office and then scampered to the bathroom...I am scared.

DeCoMpOsEd said...

you sound like an asshole

Revee said...

Why do I sound like an asshole? Drew Peacock, is that you?

Just Me said...

I don't think you sound like an asshole either. I would get mad too if someone honked at me for no reason!

DeCoMpOsEd said...

well they didnt honk for any reason ... she said she cut some one off and expected them to be quiet about it... then she gets mad when they react... what an asshole

Revee said...

No i did not say that I cut some one off this time. I have before but not this time. If you had actually read it decomposed you would see that I said I was slowly creeping back WHILE looking at the lady knowing she was there waiting for her to go back as she slowly creeped along. I was fully aware she was behind me and was waiting for her to move. If anyone should honk it would have been mean. Get your facts straight, Mr. Peacock. And thanks just me for not thinking I'm an asshole! I can't possibly be the only person who gets mad when people honk at them.

Revee said...

cope i put a link on my blog so that people can get to yours.

Steph said...

anyway, I thought it was funny. Actually, when I first strated reading the first few sentences I got scared b/c I thought it was me! It happened to me at lunch today too! And I own a silver car. But I'm not 50 so I feel releived. haha

As far as the names, I've heard someone name their child Absidee. And they spelled it like this: ABCDE. Can you say GHETTO?

Revee said...

What were them people thinking? ABCDE? I mean, really? What if the kid can't even say his abcs...think of the humiliation. I named my plan ESPN and call it Espen. I think it's cute because I'm a sports fan but I've even thought about naming my little girl that but I don't think that's humiliating. I think it's cute. Maybe I'm wrong though cuz I'm sure Drew's parents thought his name was cute too.

Johnny Menace said...

i love being in the passenger seat and honking my friends horn for them... sometimes when they don't want to all in all its mainly to piss off people. make your pissed at the right person.

Spinning Girl said...

Road Rage ROCKS