Thursday, July 07, 2005

Vinniifer or Jence?

If you've hit your local newstand, you'll see Jennifer Anniston splashed all over the covers of In Touch and US Weekly. And the talk is that her and Vince Vaughn, her costar in The Breakup, are getting hot and heavy. Pictures in In Touch show them cuddling together and looking very friendly. You can also go to People magazine's website to check out pictures of Vince and Jen cozying up. Jen also looks like she's dropped some weight and is looking tiny and stunning in the pictures.

We can't talk about Jen without at least mentioning Brad. Apparently he was present with Angelina when she was in Ethiopia adopting her new baby. If that isn't more proof they are together, I don't know what is.

On to the subject of hot summer t.v., General Hospital's Kelly Moracco won Dancing with the Stars last night. She beat out favorite Seinfeld's John O'Hurley to take the title. Beauty and the Geek also wrapped up last night as one couple became "no longer a beauty and the geek". Well, that's good for the geek but crappy for the beauty. What is she now? A non-beauty? But anyways..uber-geek Richard blew it for his team as he didn't know Mindi's middle name in the tiebreaker question. My favorites, Chuch and Caitilin took the grand prize of $250,000. Since we're on the subject of reality t.v., a good source tells me that Real World Austin's super cute couple Melinda and Danny are still hot and heavy and are considering moving in together. I guess we'll see if this is true in the next few months as the show develops.

That's all for now. I'll have more soon.

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