Saturday, July 09, 2005

If they read it, don't diss

I have a good lesson today: If a person had the address of your blog, don't write about them. My boyfriend didn't think yesterday's entry was quite as hilarious as I found it. In fact, he was a little pissed. "George? George is funny," he said. Of course he is was my reply because to tell you the truth he is as is my boyfriend too in a very George sort of way. He's so darn cute and just a little dorky and that's what makes him so attractive. Missfortunehunter left a comment on my blog that got me thinking. She said "What do most of us women in the long run end up with????I mean how many of us can say we got a Jerry? Much less a Brad Pitt from Troy or a JFK wanna be, or a a... Chippendale wannabe?....He could be onto something...." That's so true. I'm never gonna marry Brad Pitt or George Clooney or Paul Walker or someone equally as hot. Sure it'd be awesome but bein hot gets old as does the person you're with. At the end of the day, you just want to come home to the person that you love and that loves you unconditionally and who can make you laught - not because they are the next Jerry Seinfeld - but because you think they are so darn cute and wonderful that everything they say is funny. For me, that person is my boyfriend and I love him more and more every day.


Melissa is... said...

Totally agree with the be careful what you write thing - I swear, I have family members that I havent seen in about 10 years that post on my blog or email me. But I also have to be careful when writing about who I'm going out with since I'm rather proud of my blog I dont want boy A finding out about boy B on here...not that I would ever do that...never....

But it is interesting how when we are younger we fantasize of the dreamy boyfriend or husband for our futures and when we get there - its the personality (especially sense of humor) that obviously is more important.

Johnny Menace said...

i would anyone want Paul Walker? he is the new Keanu Reeves.

Johnny Menace said...

and by i..i mean why. The fuck was i thinking. i almost wrote i want paul walker.