Friday, July 08, 2005

I do have fans!

Believe it or not people are actually reading my blog. MY blog! I can't believe it. I feel like a celebrity. Maybe I can start putting myself in my celebrity scoop entries! :) One blogger ( even did an entry on me! Thanks Jade! You should check hers out.

So the work prankster is at it again. I thought I was hearing things when I heard a sheep baaing. But then it happened again this time even louder. Well, the prankster who is also our computer guy, programmed a coworkers computer to BAAAAAAAA very loudly every time she got an email and then proceeded to email her multiple times. And if the baaing wasn't enough, I began to hear oinking. Computer guy had programmed my friend's computer to oink every time she got an email. Now I'm a little scared because he's threatening to make mine say "HEY GUYS I'M LOOKING AT PORN OVER HERE." And if he does I will be humiliated. I don't know where he comes up with these pranks but they are good which means I really have to crank up my efforts to get revenge. Ideas, anyone?

Here's a quote to leave you with...

I like to have a martini, two at the very most -- after three I'm under the table; after four, I'm under the host. -- Dorothy Parker


BadGod said...

If everyone knows he si the prankster, then why worry about what he does? I mean, if you open e-mail and it says "hey I'm looking at porn" or whatever, everyone knows he just changed something on you. No big deal. As for a revenge joke, might I suggest leaving a note on his desk telling him not to look up, when he does (they always do) punch him in the face. Or not. Whatever.

stubz said...

Put headphones in your computer or mute the sound.