Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Clingy Bitches and Insensitive Jerks

I am going to make a startling confession here - one most women are too scared (or maybe smart) to admit: I am a clingy bitch. Yes, I said it. GASP. I'm man (or I guess I should say) woman enough to say it.

I am a 100 percent authentic super bitch. Just ask my boyfriend. He'll tell you it's true. He puts up with my constant bitchin. Why am I bitch? Let me count the reasons: 1)I'm bossy, 2)I'm controlling 3)I lie, 4) I bitch and complain about everything, 5) I'm moody as hell. Must I go on? I think by now it's pretty clear. If I was a super hero, I would be SUPER BITCH with an entourage of Mean Girls.

So now that the bitch part is out of the way, why am I clingy? Because I can be. It works for me. Yea, yea I know - guys are turned off by girls that are clingy. Well then how come they keep coming back for more? Because I'm that damn cool. Yea that's right. I'll say it.

So you're probably wondering what I do that makes me clingy. Oh boy, where do I start? First of all, I need constant attention. 24/7. If I don't get it, I'm not happy. I want what I want when I want it. I know that I am spoiled. I admit it. Now give me what I want - your undivided attention.

Now that we've established that I am a clingy bitch, let's get to the other half of this blog: insensitive jerks. My boyfriend is a sweet, loving guy - that is when he's not being an insensitive jerk. He doesn't give in to my ways. Like take tonight for instance, I haven't seen him all week, I'm tired, I feel sick, and I'm at his house wanting to hang out. But wait, if I'm at his house, where is he? Oh yes, that's right he went to work out. I know I know, oh no, he went to work out - now I'm bein my usual clingy bitch status. But no he does it all the time. Let's take for instance the night he ditched me to go out to dinner with his ex. Was I pissed? Well, of course. I know i could have it a lot worse most of the time - in fact my ex-boyfriend was a lot worse - but the problem still remains and he continues to piss me off part of the time with his uncaring ways.

So now I bet you're wondering, what is the point of this blog? Partly to rant, partly to air my frustration, but the other part to pose a very important question: If girls are clingy bitches and guys are insensitive jerks, then how do we ever make it work? How do we compromise everything we are to live happily ever after? Is happily ever after even a possibility or is just a fairy tale we're made to believe so that we'll compromise everythin we are and give in to love?


Anonymous said...

Maybe your boyfriend went to work out for you. He wants to look good for you. It's not that he is insensative, he is actually tyring to do something to make your life better. Try looking at things from both sides of the fence before bitchin. I'm sure your boyfriend loves you just the way you are.

Revee said...

I just wish he'd realize that I already think he looks good. I love him no matter what and I would rather be with him fat than spend very little time with him and have him look hot. Just being with him makes me happy and his looks have nothin to do with that. p.s. don't you know the grass is always greener on the side so i don't want to look at things from both sides of the fence. And I do know he loves me despite my clingy bitchiness

Blake said...

I think there is more hope than you allude to here. Clingy women and insensitive dudes are not the only personality types out there. And I know for the sake of your argument you were generalizing, but, as cheesy as it sounds, there still are quality guys out there and girls who can walk a fine line of emotional stability and passionate clingyness.

But even with that said, it is the dynamic of a clingy girl and an insensitive guy that make things work.


Melissa is... said...

Are you the long lost sister I never knew I had or wanted?

NewYorkMoments said...

Men are just assholes.

Revee said...

You're right everglades there is more out there but allie is right as well and I think every man and woman in some way represent the clingy bitch and the insensitive jerk. It's just in our genes. And if you haven't figured it out, anonymous is my boyfriend. Melissa, are you a clingy bitch too because we would get along great!

Anisa said...

i used to get mad because my husband started working out like crazy and lost 50 pounds. he looks fantastic, but i only wanted to go to the gym 3 days a week, while he wanted to go 6. i felt like he was always at the friggin' gym.

when i saw how much more energy and self-confidence he had, my attitude changed. i was OK with the fact that it took some of our time away because he was so happy with how he looked and felt.

but, believe me, i was supersupersuper clingy for a long time. i think you'll be less clingy the longer you're in the relationship.

thanks for such a great, open post!

Anna Pet said...
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Revee said...

My boyfriend does the same shit sometimes but we love them anyways because the good times always outweigh the bads. I hated to admit that I am a clingy bitch but if I'm gonna be one, I better be damn proud. I'm glad you can admit it too. Thanks for posting and I'm glad you could relate. p.s. I love your poems.

Melissa is... said...

The funny thing is that I dont think that I am - but when I sit back and think about it - OMG! EXAMPLE: There is this guy I've been going out with. Great guy. Well we do our majority of communicating via IM (because of a distance thing) - when he's not online I'm tempted to call him and be all WHERE THE F*CK ARE YOU?!? I mean, sure he might be at the gym, hanging out with friends, or I dont know - sleeping...but because I'm online - why isnt he? Its just so funny to step back and go "Who am I and why am I acting like this?"

And of course the whole INSTANT everything doesnt help - why shouldnt they be there to answer your every need and want by picking up their cell phone or replying to the IM....geez. Yes- lets blame technology, this is not our fault but a by product of evolution. DAMN YOU DARWIN!

Anna Pet said...
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Anna Pet said...

First off thanks for visiting my blog and your comment :-)

I am in shock right now....I just read your blog and you took the words right out of my mouth. My boyfriend and I just had a fight about this EXACT topic last night.

My boyfriend is the sweetest guy but last night he was a total ass to me. He said I was being clingy and too emotionally needy because I was soooooo upset and I wanted him to come see me and he said "I don't feel like it tonight...what am I supposed to do to help you about tomorrow or Friday" I needed him THEN, I was a wreck...and he not only wasn't there for me but he was MEAN to me too!

I really do love him but it pisses me of when he tries to act like a jerk to show his stupid single friends that he is "cool" and that he can do whatever he wants....

Sorry I had to edit and then delete my original post and republish it with the changes.
anyways 3 cheers for you I LOVE this! I am clingy and proud of it *mwuah*

Fortune said...

Hmmmm ...

That was good.

Considering I haven't been involved in like ages and ages - I'm just going to agree and go with the fact I just like to cling to a bottle of good wine and my closet cigs.

:) said...

Why not go to the gym while she's away?

:) said...

Why not go to the gym while she's away?